I happen to have two threshold guardians. The first is my sister Natalie. She has been through everything I will have to

face on my journey. She has learned from break ups, college, getting engaged and many other things and she teaches me everything to do in each situation. She is a loving sister and never mean. She teaches me how to love and prepares me each day for the new world. She gives me great advice on what to expect from life and how to become mentally and physically ready for college. When I am in trouble or need her help she always says, "Life isn't always butterflies and sunshine, there will be times in your life where it will co

me to making the right decision or the wrong one and sometimes you will make the wrong one but never regret them just learn from them." She has taught me most of everything I know now, and has made me the person I am today. If she hadn't been such a loving sister I probably wouldn't be as loving as I am today. She has truly made a difference in my life. My other threshold guardian is my brother Austen. He has shown me both the good and bad things of what the world has to offer. He has shown me what not to to do in my life. He has faced many obstacles in his life but he has overcome them. He recently joined the army which proves to me he is strong, brave and full of love. If he wasn't one of my threshold guardians I would have made many mistakes. He is able to give me advice and I am able to learn from his mistakes.
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